
Post Course Resources

The best way to keep in contact with us is via Twitter, Facebook or our Blog. We pass on links that might be of interest and also share details of further courses. We currently do not store course participants data so following our social media is the best way to find out about things that are happening. We will not be sending any further emails.

During the course we mentioned a few different resources and these are linked here.  

Something well worth checking out is the Plymouth PBS Network. Their Facebook page can be found here. The Plymouth PBS network is keen to provide more support, resources and relevant talks/training for families. There are regular network meetings in the Guildhall, usually during the school day. These meetings are free to attend, although you do have to sign up for a ticket in advance. The dates are announced on their Facebook page. If there are any particular speakers you would like to hear from, or any  training you think might be useful please let me know and I can feedback suggestions to the steering group.  

One set of videos we mentioned briefly, in relation to The Anger Box book and relationship building are particularly relevant to those who have children with limited verbal communication. They can be found here.    

This TED talk is about children who are suspended from school and how they may be supported. I like it because it reminds us that ‘challenging behavour’ depends on our own perception and our personal challenges. It’s subjective!    

This video is a humorous take on why PBS can improve the quality of people’s lives.  

Stuart Shanker’s book about self regulation is helpful for everyone who cares for someone who easily becomes distrssed. Highly recommended, and a reminder that the people we love are not always in control of the way they act.

This is an excellent book, particularly for those with more limited communication skills. It looks at how sensory processing and pain may impact on behaviour. Lots of ideas for things to try to support individuals in distress.

The Red Beast:  Controlling Anger in Children with Asperger’s Syndrome. As recommended by a fellow course participant!

At the end of the course we briefly discussed affect labelling

We know there was a lot of interest in affect labelling and that the discussion was cut short a little by the time available. It is a growing area of research and recent studies even show the advantage of affect labelling using social media.

Below is the abstract from one piece of research. Google brings up a lot of information, however, we also have other information, please get in touch If you would like to discuss further.

Putting Feelings Into Words – Affect Labeling Disrupts Amygdala Activity in Response to Affective Stimuli


Putting feelings into words (affect labeling) has long been thought to help manage negative emotional experiences; however, the mechanisms by which affect labeling produces this benefit remain largely unknown. Recent neuroimaging studies suggest a possible neurocognitive pathway for this process, but methodological limitations of previous studies have prevented strong inferences from being drawn. A functional magnetic resonance imaging study of affect labeling was conducted to remedy these limitations. The results indicated that affect labeling, relative to other forms of encoding, diminished the response of the amygdala and other limbic regions to negative emotional images. Additionally, affect labeling produced increased activity in a single brain region, right ventrolateral prefrontal cortex (RVLPFC). Finally, RVLPFC and amygdala activity during affect labeling were inversely correlated, a relationship that was mediated by activity in medial prefrontal cortex (MPFC).These results suggest that affect labeling may diminish emotional reactivity along a pathway from RVLPFC to MPFC to the amygdala.

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