Des has been a Trainer for many years and now runs a training and consultancy company called D.ESCAL8 (pronounced de-escalate).
Des grew up with disabilities as part of his life, with family working in the industry and a close family member with a learning disability. Through his working career Des has assisted many families with their relatives who display distress in an unorthodox manner. Des disagrees with the common use of the outdated term Challenging Behaviour.
Des is also a carer for the Shared Lives Scheme in West Wales. As well as finding this role rewarding, challenging and a lot of fun it also means he has ‘real life’ experience of caring for individuals on a day to day basis.
Through a lot of studying and training Des developed a system which, from numerous testimonials, is different and superior to common training in this field. It is this training that the Family Support Project is committed to bringing to families.
Des runs open courses, not just for family, but also specialist courses for independent carers / therapists / support staff who cannot access training through an employer.